Pattern Updates / Errata

Occasionally, when releasing a new pattern a mistake slips through the net… Usually they are very minor and all that is required is a silent update of the pattern file and no one is any the wiser!

Once in a while, however, there is an error that needs to be brought to your attention. So far any of these errors have been minor! Phew! But a couple still worth noting! A note will always go up in the “Errata” section of my Instagram highlights, and I will add the same note here.

If, someday, a pattern error is so dramatic that it warrants re-issuing of the pattern files to all purchasers, a new pattern file will be sent by email to everyone who has purchased that pattern. So far so good, but we all know that, despite checking and rechecking (along with the help of an amazing gang of eagle eyed testers), mistakes can happen!



Updates To Date


November 2022: Step 6: Lining Bag Prep, page 19, Step 6a. The body of the text is correct “Baste the cord in place, with a small stitch length, 2cm (3/4”) from the top of one short side of the right side of the lining.” The image however shows an incorrect dimension of 4cm (1 1/2”). The pattern was updated a few days after the release in November 2022.